Third-Person Shooter under construction!

So, finally I am in the 3rd year of my Computer Science and Engineering course, and I have all the subjects of my liking, especially – Computer Graphics! Finally, somewhere I can “show-off” my game! Apart from that, I have taken up two game projects, one is Ocean Runner – An endless ocean-based runner game, […]

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Go Forth, Be Stronk! #SoStronk

So, I am publishing this post after a long time, but this news is exciting! I recently obtained an internship at SoStronk (Archetype Entertainment) as an App-developing intern, for a duration of two months. I will be fixing bugs, adding new features, reporting bugs and load of other exciting stuff! Moreover, this will teach me […]

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Choosing between AABB and Sphere?

So, I was in a dilemma… AABB or Sphere? Which one should I choose.. Well, actually these two are simple, memory-efficient techniques, for checking collision between different entities in the game. AABB, last ‘B’ stands for Box, as the name suggests, creates a box of minimum volume around the entity, and is used for checking […]

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Game engine resurrects!

So, I just left developing DJINN further, because I thought it was a waste of time, and plus being built with Python, would mean a terrible speed of execution. But, I did post a video of it online, and was amazed to see a few comments appreciating it, and some guys actually using it in […]

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Going full on Game of Thrones!

  So, me and my team are developing the game that one would seriously love to play! The battle at Castle Black from Game of Thrones! Just imagine! You being Jon Snow, with your fellow Crows defending the North from the Wildlings! Tons of weapons to choose from, and loads of fun! And plus, there’s […]

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Game Engine Progress #1

So, for the past 2-3 months, I have been working on my own game engine, DJINN-IV, which I am implementing with Python and PyOpenGL. The project was deserted for about 2 weeks, when I again gained the courage to fix some horrendous bugs, and implement new features. Well, so after 2 days of work, I […]

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